Configure Atlas

Example config file

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####        /  \       | |    | |         /  \    | (___       ####
####       / /\ \      | |    | |        / /\ \    \___ \      ####
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#  For more details about the config values see:

# Execution parameters
# max cores per process
threads: 32
# Memory for most jobs especially from BBtools, which are memory demanding
java_mem: 32
# can be a subset of threads or altered if rule run_spades or run_megahit are being defined differently in your cluster configuration
assembly_threads: 8
# in GB
assembly_memory: 250
# Local directory for temp files, useful for cluster execution without shared file system
tmpdir: /tmp
# directory where databases are downloaded with 'atlas download'
database_dir: databases

# Quality control
data_type: metagenome # metagenome or metatranscriptome
interleaved_fastqs: false
# remove (PCR)-duplicated reads using clumpify
deduplicate: true
duplicates_only_optical: false
duplicates_allow_substitutions: 2
# used to trim adapters from reads and read ends
preprocess_adapters: /path/to/databases/adapters.fa
preprocess_minimum_base_quality: 10
preprocess_minimum_passing_read_length: 51
# 0.05 requires at least 5 percent of each nucleotide per sequence
preprocess_minimum_base_frequency: 0.05
preprocess_adapter_min_k: 8
preprocess_allowable_kmer_mismatches: 1
preprocess_reference_kmer_match_length: 27
# error correction where PE reads overlap
error_correction_overlapping_pairs: true
#contamination references can be added such that -- key: /path/to/fasta
  PhiX: /path/to/databases/phiX174_virus.fa
# We won't allow large indels
contaminant_max_indel: 20
contaminant_min_ratio: 0.65
contaminant_kmer_length: 13
contaminant_minimum_hits: 1
contaminant_ambiguous: best

# Pre-assembly-processing

error_correction_before_assembly : true

# join R1 and R2 at overlap; unjoined reads are still utilized
merge_pairs_before_assembly : true
merging_k: 62
# extend reads while merging to this many nucleotides
merging_extend2: 40
# Iterations are performed until extend2 x iterations
merging_flags: "ecct iterations=5"

# Assembly
# megahit OR spades
assembler: spades

# Megahit
# 2 is for metagenomes, 3 for genomes with 30x coverage
megahit_min_count: 2
megahit_k_min: 21
megahit_k_max: 121
megahit_k_step: 20
megahit_merge_level: 20,0.98
megahit_prune_level: 2
megahit_low_local_ratio: 0.2
# ['default','meta-large','meta-sensitive']
megahit_preset: default

# Spades
spades_skip_BayesHammer: true
spades_use_scaffolds: false # use contigs
#Comma-separated list of k-mer sizes to be used (all values must be odd, less than 128 and listed in ascending order).
spades_k: auto
spades_preset: meta    # meta, ,normal, rna  single end libraries doesn't work for metaspades
spades_extra: ""
longread_type: "None" # ["None","pacbio", "nanopore", "sanger", "trusted-contigs", "untrusted-contigs"]
# Preprocessed long reads can be defined in the sample table with 'longreads' , for more info see the spades manual

# Filtering
prefilter_minimum_contig_length: 200
# filter out assembled noise
# this is more important for assemblys from megahit
filter_contigs: true
# trim contig tips
contig_trim_bp: 0
# require contigs to have read support
minimum_average_coverage: 1
minimum_percent_covered_bases: 20
minimum_mapped_reads: 0
# after filtering
minimum_contig_length: 300

# Quantification

# Mapping reads to contigs
contig_min_id: 0.76
contig_map_paired_only: true
contig_max_distance_between_pairs: 1000
maximum_counted_map_sites: 10

# Binning

final_binner: DASTool             # [DASTool or one of the binner, e.g. maxbin]

binner:                           # If DASTool is used as final_binner, use predictions of this binners
  - metabat
  - concoct
  - maxbin

  sensitivity: sensitive
  min_contig_length: 1500 # metabat needs >1500

  Nexpected_clusters: 200           # important parameter
  read_length: 100                  # change this parameter !
  Niterations: 500
  min_contig_length: 1000

  max_iteration: 50
  prob_threshold: 0.9
  min_contig_length: 1000

  search_engine: 'diamond'
  score_threshold: 0.5              #Score threshold until selection algorithm will keep selecting bins [0..1].

  ANI: 0.95
  overlap: 0.6
  opt_parameters: ""
      noFilter: false
      length: 5000
      completeness: 50
      contamination: 10
      completeness: 1
      contamination: 5
      N50: 0.5
      length: 0

# taxonomy
# Diamond needs up to 100 GB of memory for building the taxonomy database
# If you prefer you can dowload an existing CAT database, see docs.
diamond_mem: 100
diamond_threads: 12
# number of top hits considered for taxonomic annotation
cat_range: 5
# fraction of support needed for classification, <0.5 can give rise to duble classification.
cat_fraction: 0.3

# Gene catalog
  source: genomes  # which predicted proteins should be used for the gene catalog
  clustermethod: linclust # cd-hit-est or cluster or linclust see mmseqs for more details
  minlength_nt: 100
  minid: 0.9
  coverage: 0.9
  extra: ""
  SubsetSize: 500000

Remove reads from Host

One of the most important steps in the Quality control is to remove host genome. You can add any number of genomes to be removed.

We recommend you to use genomes where repetitive sequences are masked. See here for more details human genome.